Saturday, September 27, 2008

Oh, the Irony!!

Just like buying a used car, you have to check under the hood. Obama is like finding a late model Porsche on Craigslist for under $1,000, it may look nice on the outside but there is some troubling stuff going on under the recent paint and 'new' upholstery.

I have had folks ask why Google shows primarily pro-Obama articles in the wake of the debate.

First off, there are poll results that run counter to the 'conventional wisdom':

FOX News poll (~60,000 votes) 82% McCain, 16% Obama, 2% Tie

FYI - Fox News viewership is 39% self-identifying as Republican, 33% self-identifying as Democrat

Drudge Report (~380,000 votes) 68% McCain, 30% Obama, 2% Tie

AOL Who Won the debate? (~515,000 votes)McCain 45%, Obama 42%AOL Who Appeared More Presidential? (~500,000 votes)McCain 52%, Obama 48%

The Fox results were reported live following the debate last night but I cannot find them on the website.

As for Drudge, that can be found at, and the voting is now at 417,000 votes and still tracking the same 68% McCain to 30% Obama.

I posted those two because they are the two leading conservative leaning news outlets, the news outlets more commonly mentioned are all firmly in the tank for Obama and have given up any pretense of journalistic objectivity - I felt it only fair to provide some balance.

It was PA Governor Ed Rendell, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter who condemned the news coverage of Obama as being terribly biased and who complimented Fox News as being the only Fair and Balanced reporting during the Democrat Primaries.

The difference between Fox News and the 'news' outlets more commonly quoted is that Fox News clearly separates their reporting from their opinion/advocacy pieces (e.g., America's Newsroom vs. Hannity and Colmes).

CNN, MSNBC, etc., mix their opinions and their news with no attempt to separate them or identify them as such - see CBS's National Guard Story on Bush right before the '04 election, the 20 year old Bush drunk driving charge right before the '00 election, or the treatment of Governor Palin, or recent polls that deliberately oversample Democrats and Blacks resulting in unrealistic poll results for but a few pathetic examples.

Google is merely a search engine, it finds what it is built to find based on the questions you asked. Since the majority of the media are clearly in the tank for Obama it should surprise nobody that keeping to the mainstream media would yield a pro-Obama story line - ironically, that was Governor Rendell's point - the media have lost all objectivity with Obama and are actively promoting his campaign to the exclusion of all others.

For the record, Obama and his camp are the ones trying to enforce Newspeak through their brown shirt Ministry of Truth starting in Missouri.

For the record, Obama and his supporters in the media are the ones claiming only racism will prevent him from being elected.

For the record, Obama and his camp are the ones who are threatening Conservative investigative reporters trying to look into where $100M was spent at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge where Obama sat on the Board of Directors with unrepentant terrorist William Ayers.

For the record, Obama and his camp are the one trying to silence critics with complaints to the Department of Justice, threats to Radio Network Executives, to radio advertisers.

For the record, Obama and his camp are the ones who threatened the Jewish organizaers of the Iran protests in New York with revocation of their tax-free status if they did not disinvite Gov. Palin after the Obama camp pressured Sen. Clinton into not attending.

For anyone with an open mind, this is a troubling look into the future at how a President Obama would rule - his behavior today is a clear indicator of how vindictive, secretive and totalitarian his regime would be.

All of the things that were said about the Bush Administration by the rabid Left (largely inaccurately but with great fanfare) are actually true about the Uh-uh-uh-nnointed One - he cannot admit he was wrong (about the Surge, about his position on meeting with rogue nations, about Rev. Wright, about William Ayers, about Fr. Flager, about ACORN, about Freddie Mac, about Fannie Mae, about Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson, about NOT picking Hillary, about Russia invading Georgia, about threatening Pakistan, about his direct involvement in the collapse of the talk at the White House), he has no compunction about trampling on the Bill of Rights (specifically the 1st and 2nd Amendments) and he has shown that he will stop at nothing to destroy and silence his critics.

The irony is that all indications are that Obama is the fascist the Left warned us Bush was.

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