Obama says his plan will give a taxcut to 95% of all taxpayers, but 40% of you already don't pay ANY taxes and many among that get more money back than was paid in.
Where do you think that money comes from?
One of the problems with all the economic talk about 'the rich' is that it is totally impersonal and it asks the folks who do not believe themselves to be in the group Obama intends to take wealth from to focus only on their own situation.
This lack of a personal view into the costs of taxes and the impact they have on those of us who really pay the bill is unfair, it is manipulative, and it stops, today.
I am an engineer by trade, I am self taught, I put myself partially through college with help from my parents. Over the past 20 years I have worked for several different companies, including a start-up. For four years I ran a small business and employed six people at nearly twice the minimum wage. I have been employed since I began working part time in a family restaraunt at age 13, and in the ensuing 25 years I have been laid off twice.
Is it good fortune that I have developed skillsets that are in demand and which receive six figure pay? Is it unfair that my love for aviation drove me to make the decisions and take the education, both formal and informal, that have sculpted my career?
I am curious for those of you who support Obama and his 'tax the rich' approach, just how much more are my family and I supposed to pay? For the past 7 years my earnings have put me in the top 5% of wage earners in the US (AGI between ~$145K - ~$363K, gross earnings of $180 - $400K).
According to IRS statistics, families like mine earn 14.6% of the money earned in the US, yet we pay 20.3% of the taxes in the US. For 4 of the last 7 years, my gross earnings (including performance of my business since we were organized as an LLC) have been in the range that Obama and Biden are now suggesting my PAY-triotic duty is to pay more. They apparently do not think I am paying enough.
Obama and Biden have said they want to increase taxes on $250K and more per year (assuming gross earnings), and they keep referring to cuts for 95% of taxpayers, those two numbers clearly define the top 5% of wage earners according to IRS stats.
This is NOT about the top 400 people in Forbes and you know it.
This about taking money from me and my family, and the 7 million families like mine, and giving it to 125 million other families in a deliberate attempt to buy votes. Classic Saul Alinsky, classic socialism, and classically immoral.
As defined, Obama wants to take an additional $16-18K from me and give it to families I do not know.
That money will be TAKEN from me, against my will, and given to people I do not know. I could use that money for charity, I could invest it and in so doing create more jobs - but Obama wants to take it from me and FORCE me to meet his definition of neighborliness.
Given his choice of friends and neighbors and mentors (Rev. Wright, Father Flager, Tony Rezko, William Ayers, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Lehman Bros, Goldman-Sachs, etc.) I am CONFIDENT I can do better.
40% of ALL wage earners in the US (about 52 million families) do not pay any effective income taxes (they get a full refund), and many of those actually get more money paid back with the Single Head of Household and other programs. Just to be clear, they get more back than they pay in.
The next 10% (from the bottom 40-50% of wage earners), about 13 million families, pay 3% of the total tax bill.
The bottom 50% of ALL wage earners (66 million families) share in 13% of the earnings, and yet pay 3% of the total bill.
Families like mine (6.6 million of us) make 15% of the earnings and pay almost 21% of the total bill.
If you are making half what I do (AGI of about $62K), you share in 21% of the total earnings, and pay 15.7% of the tax bill, but you split it with 33 million other families.
If you make less than $31K per year, you pay no more than 3% of the tax bill but share in 13% of total earnings in the US, and are likely to have no tax burden and may even get more money back than you paid in.
In order to give $1000 to 95% of all taxpayers as Obama is promising, someone has to come up with about $125 Billion dollars, if the 6.6 million families like mine are to pay for that, not only do we NOT get the $1000 cut, each family like mine will have to pay about $19K more in taxes, every year. If you include the top 1%, that only adds 1.3 million families, it still makes the burden $15.8K more.
That would increase my tax burden by as much as 40%.
Together, we in the top 5% share in 36% of the earnings but foot almost 60% of the bill.
How is that fair?
How is that right?
How much is enough?